
How's it Going?

About 3 months have passed from I entered the university. It passed very fast and there were many things. I enjoy the university life very much. I could make many fiends and they are all friendly and I could enjoy the time with them. Though the university's classes are very difficult to me. These are very fast to move on so I need to understand instantly and the contents are very difficult to remember. All classes impose us many reports or home works and it takes me a lot of time to finish. Sometimes it is hard to finish and I get tired. Though these classes are all very interesting for me and I could know new things a lot. I want to keep studying and know more.


Maturity and Adulthood

 I think I am not adult because I am just a university student. I think adult means people who can take any responsibility for all their behaviours. So I think sdult people needs to know about society well and they need to work for their lives. I can not take responsibility for all my behaviours now and I live with my family so I do not need to care about money so much so I think I am not adult.
 Japanese law decides people who is over 20 are adult but I think someone can be abult before becoming 20 years old.  Some of  teenage work for their lives and live alone. I think they can be adult because they work and live like adult people. The most countries decide who is adult or not by age but I think it is not good way.



When I was Grade 9, I went to Austraria to join homestay program. I went to there with my class mates and we stayed for three weeks. My buddy is Gabriela, she was younger than me and stayed her house. Her family is her mom, a brother and two sisters. They were always kind and friendly to me. But at firsts, the trip was the first time to go abroad alone so I could not be friendly to them. And sometimes I made them worrying so I thought my behavior was not good so I tried to change. And also the two young sisters always tried to talk to me and we often played together so I could be friendly gradually. Then the last two weeks I could enjoy picnics, cooking, playing games or going zoo with them. I regret the first my behaviors because if I were more friendly from the first, I could enjoy the staying more with them. But the trip was very fun so I will never forget about them.



I am university student now and I have many home works but I still hate managing any tasks. When I have many tasks at the same times, I always try to finish one things in turns. About reserch or psentention, I start just reserch a lot few weeks ago and gather it finally. But about tests, I need to prepare answers or need to remember a lot. So I start few day before and most of the day before and the mornings. But sometimes I could not get it all completely so I want to find how can I get great grade effectively. And also I will try hard to finish it before the day or the few day before. But I always could not finish so I need to sit up late to finish. And also all classes impose student any tasks at the same times. And it is so hard to concentrate on one things. So I think teacher should think the day of due.


Japan Today.com

Today, I read an interesting article. It is abou a news of awol penguin. A Humbold penguin was captured on Edo river. It was escaped from Tokyo aquarium for 82 days. But it wad difficult to capture not to startle it and took times. Though it was captured finally and it did not have any injury. The news surprised to me because I had not ever heard like that news and it did not captured for a long time. When I know the news on TV, it did not captured yet so I worried about it. I think the it is very rare but the aquarium should be care more and manage their animals not to escapes. In this case, the penguin did not have any injury but if it had injury or die it is very big problems. But when it is showed, I want to visit the aquarium and see it.


The stories you heard today

At today'class, I heard many interesting stories from my classmates. There are many kinds of stories and I am going to write about few their stories. At first, I heard Naoto's story. His story was about his school trip toOkinawa. He stayed 3 days at there and he enjoyed beautiful natures or clutures. For examples, the sea, the blue sky, fruits and so on. I went to Okinawa as school trip too and also I wrote the essay about the trip. Next, I heard Yuriko's story and Kazuho's story. Their stories were about their school festivals. And also about they played "Lion king" and "Momotaro" at their school festival and they practiced hard. When I was high school student and at my school festivals, we always chose stall and sold foods. And I have never play any drama. So I could know how it was difficult but fun. At today's classy, I heard many stories but these were almost about their high school life. I could know alot so these were very interesting for me.


Being Billingul -What Does It Mean?

I study Fnglish for a long time but I think I should study more and my skills can be improved. I can improve my English skills to do my home works. Though I think I can improve the skills outside of school too. I am commuting business English class on Saturday and I learn many words and listening. So I can improve these skills with the class. But sometimes it is difficult to continue so I often try to study English with fun. For examples, listen or sing English songs, watch movies in English, chat with friends in English and so on. These are very fun for me and I can enjoy studying English. I like these things and I am trying to do them from when I was grade 10. Then my English teacher told me my English pronunciation became better and speaking became more naturally. So I think I can improve my English skills at home with fun. So I want to continue studying English at school, at my English class and home to improve English skills and want to be like native speakers.


About Success

 This video is a lecture of Joachim de Posada. The lecture says about an expereiment of what kind of children can be success in the future. In the experiment, he said to children that if they can wait for the eating a marshmallow one minute, he will give you one more marshmallow. By the experiment we could know almost children can not wait but some can and they successed in society. About my experiences, my mother always tried to control me by sweets or snacks so I often delayed my glatification. And so I needed to obey her sayings. And also I always eat my favorite food last. For examples, I do not like vegetable and some my poor dishes, I always eat them firsts. And I eat all dishes and then I enjoy eating my favorite dishes or desserts. I dicided like the rules by myself when I was a little. So it is little different from the video's experiment. Though I felt through watching the video, if the video's saying is corrects, I can success in the future. And also I wish it can be true.


About You, About Writing

I wrote many essays as the middle and high school homeworks. I wrote english and Japanese both but I am poor at writing essays. At first, I learnt how to write good paragraphs when I was grade 8. Then I learnt how to write good essays when I was grade 9. My high school English class is held by native speaker and they told me essay is the mass of paragraphs. And also they gave an 2 pages essay home work every weekends. But sometimes I could not find good supports or lost the goal so the home work was very hard to me. It takes much time to finish so I hated the home works. But I want to write a persuasive and interesting essay so I will do my bests. And I want to be good at writing through this writing class.


How has KGU been so far?

I entered KGU in Aplril and the university life is very different from I expected. For examples, classes. In university, I can choose classes so I take classes which I am interested in. There are language, history, economics or many kinds of classes. I expected university life is not so busy and I can enjoy free time more. Although some classes are difficult to understand and always have tests. And also I needs to think matters deeply and logically and show my opinions clearly. So these classes are very difficult to me and I can not take enough free time to enjoy but these are very intrresting. And also I can learn many new things so I will do my best to learn. My favorite things in university is I can meet many kinds of people. There are many people and they have original character so I can enjoy talking with them. My university life has only just started so I want to try any thing and enjoy my university life.