
The stories you heard today

At today'class, I heard many interesting stories from my classmates. There are many kinds of stories and I am going to write about few their stories. At first, I heard Naoto's story. His story was about his school trip toOkinawa. He stayed 3 days at there and he enjoyed beautiful natures or clutures. For examples, the sea, the blue sky, fruits and so on. I went to Okinawa as school trip too and also I wrote the essay about the trip. Next, I heard Yuriko's story and Kazuho's story. Their stories were about their school festivals. And also about they played "Lion king" and "Momotaro" at their school festival and they practiced hard. When I was high school student and at my school festivals, we always chose stall and sold foods. And I have never play any drama. So I could know how it was difficult but fun. At today's classy, I heard many stories but these were almost about their high school life. I could know alot so these were very interesting for me.

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