
About Success

 This video is a lecture of Joachim de Posada. The lecture says about an expereiment of what kind of children can be success in the future. In the experiment, he said to children that if they can wait for the eating a marshmallow one minute, he will give you one more marshmallow. By the experiment we could know almost children can not wait but some can and they successed in society. About my experiences, my mother always tried to control me by sweets or snacks so I often delayed my glatification. And so I needed to obey her sayings. And also I always eat my favorite food last. For examples, I do not like vegetable and some my poor dishes, I always eat them firsts. And I eat all dishes and then I enjoy eating my favorite dishes or desserts. I dicided like the rules by myself when I was a little. So it is little different from the video's experiment. Though I felt through watching the video, if the video's saying is corrects, I can success in the future. And also I wish it can be true.

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