

When I was Grade 9, I went to Austraria to join homestay program. I went to there with my class mates and we stayed for three weeks. My buddy is Gabriela, she was younger than me and stayed her house. Her family is her mom, a brother and two sisters. They were always kind and friendly to me. But at firsts, the trip was the first time to go abroad alone so I could not be friendly to them. And sometimes I made them worrying so I thought my behavior was not good so I tried to change. And also the two young sisters always tried to talk to me and we often played together so I could be friendly gradually. Then the last two weeks I could enjoy picnics, cooking, playing games or going zoo with them. I regret the first my behaviors because if I were more friendly from the first, I could enjoy the staying more with them. But the trip was very fun so I will never forget about them.

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